RCS Compendium and Arcade Maypul

Super Smash Con is right around the corner and we’ve just broken triple digits for registrants! With SSC and so many other exciting events on the Rivals Championship Series circuit this year, we want to make sure all of them get the love and support they need. To help meet this goal we’ve been working on something special with smash.gg – a standing compendium for the RCS.

Rivals Championship Series Compendium - Get Rivals of Aether merch and support the community at the same time! Everything raised here goes directly to RCS events or back to the players attending in the form of prize money, travel support, and more.

This special shop will be available for the entirety of season 2, and contain Rivals skins and swag that you can’t get anywhere else. We’ll be rotating in goals as events come up (like Super Smash Con) as well as keeping our finals goal that can always be donated to. The best part is that 100% of the funds raised here go back to supporting our players and community.

To kick off the opening of the RCS compendium we’re including a brand new skin in the shop – Arcade Maypul! Pick her up on smash.gg to support Super Smash Con and get some sweet arcade effects for Maypul and Lily.

Arcade Maypul Rivals of Aether skin

We love doing events and giving back, so if you want to keep seeing tournaments like these make sure you show up to represent (or at least let us know you’re a fan online)! Here’s our current list through the summer. Hope to see you there!

Rivals Summer Events Date
Low Tier City 5 8/5 – 8/6
Super Smash Con 8/10 – 8/13
Shine 8/25 – 8/27
Balcy’s Palace 9/8 – 9/10
Heat Wave 9/23