Rivals S2 Top 50: #50 – 41

This week we’re counting down the Top 50 players from season 2 of the NA RCS circuit. For more information about the methodology and how rankings were decided, check out the S2 Top 50 Introduction post. To enter free Rivals of Aether events online and play in season 3 of the circuit yourself, head over to smash.gg and register.

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#50 – Tandori

Tandori is an OG Maypul with a rich history in Rivals. Even though he didn’t have a breakthrough event last season, he proved he still had what it took to rise to the top of S2’s much larger tournaments. He was also able to make these respectable placings at the beginning, middle, and end of the season which is a testament itself to his consistency.

Tandori is one of those players who seems to come back stronger after a break, and several of our panelists believe he’s starting to separate himself from the pack skill-wise again. If he decides to participate in S3 it might be his time to make moves.


#49 – YOU

Last year we were accused of making a “meme pick” (as the kids say these days) in the 49th slot. To avoid that this year and make a decision that no one could possibly criticize, we’ve picked YOU as #49 in the top 50. That’s right you special snowflake. Nobody deserves this slot more than you and you know it. Every game you’ve won is a testament to your skill, while every game you lost is because your ‘A’ button was sticky, or something.

For the majority of readers this is your only spot on the list. If you are reading this and you are also included somewhere else on the list you can choose which ranking you prefer. If the special mirror player card above isn’t showing your reflection properly please make sure you have the latest version of Java installed.


#48 – yesdefinitely

With probably a dominant showing over #49, Yesdefinitely clocks in on the list at 48th. He’s a strong Wrastor player with dedication to a character that’s quite risky to play at the top level. While he’s made some notable upsets in the past, yesdefinitely hasn’t quite gotten the consistency needed to beat those players with regularity. You can still be sure to see him rising through the bracket at events and even take some big names if he can get past a few roadblocks.


#47 – Vaporeon

Vaporeon is an explosive Forsburn player. Most people agree he has a high ceiling and potential to break through if he continues to develop his growth mindset. He didn’t enter many events in the tail end of the season which contributed somewhat to him placing in the high 40s despite his skill. We’re eager to see more of him in season 3 since stylish Forsburns are always a blast to watch.


#46 – Skittles

Skittles is a great Etalus player who’s active in the Georgia scene. He has stellar placings at regional locals, and took it a step higher last Summer with a breakthrough 7th place at national Super Smash Con. While he can’t threaten the top players just yet, it’s a safe wager that he’ll do well at any event he shows up to.


#45 – Bumblebomb

There’s a lot to be said about FlySociety’s Bumblebomb and oddly enough most of it isn’t about his competitive career. A consistent streamer and Rivals commentator, Bumblebomb is ever present with love and support for the community. He is easy to underestimate in bracket and always a threat with his wealth of game knowledge and character experience that comes from long stream sessions.

As one of the preeminent Rivals caster we can certainly expect to see more of him this season on the mic. Make sure you keep an eye out for him in bracket and the ladder as well, where he still likes to hop on and dunk people.


#44 – Pepe

Pepe is a bit of a wildcard. He’s able to place very well and one of his specialties seems to be offline play (which can be a hurdle for many players in a primarily online game). His most notable win in S2 was his upset at Super Smash Con, where he knocked Gabe out of winners side of the bracket. He’s already the second member of the crew NEO! on this list, who favour stylish and aggressive plays.


#43 – Nevereatcars

Nevereatcars is a dedicated Maypul main and legendary TO for the NCS. A season of solid results has secured this legacy player #43 on the list. Many people consider him one of the top solo Maypul mains in the game. Cars embraces Maypul’s speed demon play style and pairs it perfectly with his aggressiveness to make exciting plays.


#42 – Woof

WooF is another player from the OG Georgia Rivals scene. His Kragg is notably technical, helping him stand out in the field of rock-hurling beetles. While it’s clear WooF is a great player with plenty of potential, he’s still looking to secure a big upset. We hope to see him make that breakthrough this season.


#41 – Sawsebawse

Sawsebawse is another old-school player with more skill than results (notice the theme in this part of the list). Most recently he showed up at the RCS S2 season finals and proceeded to pierce all the way to 17th in the most stacked event of the year. He’s definitely an outlier when looking at results since he has the skill to make some serious upsets when he shows up. Sawsebawse being a NEO! member as well alludes to the fact that he’s a very fast and fun Orcane to watch.