Rivals S2 European Top 10


Cutting down the list to only 10 players this year, the European Top 10 is finally here to let you know what names to keep your eyes peeled for when looking for top contenders in this lesser known region. This ranking was made in a similar fashion to NA’s Top 50 list, but with a smaller set of 5 panelists who were handpicked based on their activity, skill and involvement in the competitive scene.

These panelists are:

  • Slime Mage
  • Kaos
  • Sir FROGZY
  • Junkyards
  • Pat

Before we hop into the main list we have a number of people that came close, or would have been close with higher participation:

Honourable Mentions

  • Neylax
  • Hidde
  • FireIcey
  • FullMetalEU
  • Bert in Cyberspace

Now without further ado, I have been your host Slime Mage, and here is Europe’s top 10!


#10 – Junkyards

One of ye olde kings of Exhibition, Junkyards got properly introduced to the community in October of 2017 where he quickly solidified himself as a force to be reckoned with. He secured 4th place in his first online tournament, Aethernity 16, winning solidly over Frogzy, Zluchs, OddBod, and taking a game off of Hukon and Neylax.

His style of Kragg was honed on the fields of exhibition and has become even more refined since joining the competitive scene. Plenty of new tricks have been added to his arsenal like break cancelling, in addition to the strongest side special usage seen in the European community.


#9 – Pat

Be it in a Rivals match or while interacting with other players, Pat is one that is hard to impress. Overall a very consistent Kragg player, Pat deals with his opponents with an imposing ability to combo and precisely edgeguard. He is not the type of Kragg to rely on rock, instead focusing on finding an opening with his infamous usage of Fair which led him to strong tournament results this past season.

However Kragg isn’t the only character he’s packing. Pat’s Orcane also has game, as shown when he ended up being a surprising yet effective counterpick vs Slime Mage’s Clairen at Destination Fight 4 to snag 3rd place.


#8 – Yam

One of the strongest Absa players in Europe, Yam now also sports one of the quickest Rannos on the continent. Yam impressed everyone this year with stellar results in his own Aethernity series as well as in RCS Season 2. He was able to land multiple top 6s with strong wins against competitors such as Frogzy, Slime Mage, Kaos, and many other strong contenders.

Yam’s movement is still a sight to behold as he makes it feel unsafe to throw out a move no matter the distance. On the TO side of things you can look forward to Andromeda being held this June in Valenciennes, France where I’m sure you’ll get to see even more of Yam’s nimble frog legs.


#7 – Beurette

Beurette is an enigma. He came out of nowhere with barely any playtime and took the community by storm with his stellar performance at SuperNova 3. He tore through losers bracket from round 1 all the way to losers finals where he went through Junkyards, Hukon, Hidde, and LZGPom.

His play is methodical and patient, playing a game of leap frog to get his opponent to commit to vital mistakes and turning the situation lethal as he gets in. Some would call Beurette a prodigy, I would call him French.


#6 – Slime Mage

Jacks of all trades and master of many, Arctic Fury’s Slime Mage is one of these rare players who can play any character with a high level of skill. Among his best characters are Maypul, Forsburn, Clairen, and Kragg, with which he got strong results all year long during tournaments. Leaning towards Clairen in the last months, he quickly rose to be the best player with the sword wielder in Europe, recently winning SuperNova 28 with her – even though he switched to Fors during the grand finals, a winning move according to himself.

Slime Mage also has impressive results on LAN. Three months ago, at Destination: Fight 4, he took the 4th position, losing to Pat and his surprising Orcane. He’s also one of the only two European players who went to Genenis 5, where he got a 25th position with his Maypul, taking a game off LBO and beating DankRamenBoy during the tournament.


#5 – Hukon

The Norwegian powerhouse, Hukon is still around and as strong as ever. While people have started figuring out more of his tricks over the last year, he’s still enhanced his abilities to be able to stay consistently at the top. Hukon claims 5th in the top 10 with a very fundamentally sound Orcane that will keep you on your toes with his switch over to a more bait and punish heavy playstyle from his typical bubble heavy gameplay seeing great success.


#4 – LZGPom

A star among Zetterburn players, LZGPom is a player with a methodical but overwhelming approach, controlling space and punishing any mistake in his opponents’ approaches. More than looking for flashy plays, LZGPom brings to the field the unstoppable and ruthless strength of the burning lion, putting his opponent under the constant fear of the flame-powered smashes.

His performances in tournaments reflect his consistent and powerful style: over the last months in the season, he never lost once against any player that is not part of this current top 10. He has also achieved a 7th place in RCS tournaments at the end of the season.


#3 – Sir Frogzy

Having climbed to his rightful throne at 3rd place, Hound’s Sir Frogzy has come back stronger than ever this last season. With an amazing mindset for improvement and the hottest Zetterburn on the continent, Frogzy has claimed some close calls with Kaos and Transco, as well as wins over the majority of the European top scene. With no signs of wanting to stop, Hound’s top dog is looking to do all it takes to reach his much wanted spot of number one in Europe.


#2 – Transco

Once more the “Old God King of Europe” Transco sits at the upper echelon of the European playerbase. Having taken a tournament over Kaos, getting 2nd place at Destination: Fight 4 as well as placing 4th overall in RCS, he earned this second place spot with his ferocious Kragg that will make most tremble in fear.

One touch can lead to a kill when coming from someone with mastery of Kragg’s combo tools like Transco. He’ll make your DI feel useless as he pummels you in any which way that he desires. His preference for Dair as a combo tool shows creative use with what is considered by some to be Kragg’s worst combo aerial.


#1 – Kaos

You know him, you love him, the Titan from EU remains seated at the top of the pack with overwhelming results not only on his own continent, but overseas as well. Consistently placing 1st at events in EU with the exception of one tournament dropped to Transco the entire season, getting a solid 5th place at Shine 2017 and 7th at Genesis 5, as well as 1st at Destination: Fight 4.

Kaos does not simply play a character, he plays the game. Being able to play any character he picks up due to his incredibly strong fundamentals. He has shined over the years with a large cast of different characters, but the ones that have given him most success this season have been Etalus and Maypul. With unrelenting pressure and combo game, Kaos strikes fear into his opponents like few others ever could. With no signs of stopping his dominance Kaos is standing tall over the rest of Europe going into RCS Season 3.