RCS Majors

RCS summer events are off to a great start with Hyrule Saga hitting a record-breaking 162 entrants. As we see live event attendance continue to rise, we want to help distinguish the biggest and best events that the community is turning up for. That’s why today we’re happy to announce that local RCS events with large turnouts will now add a new twist to the circuit:

Beginning immediately, first place finishes at events with over 150 entrants will earn a travel voucher to the RCS season 3 finals.

This means that along with the prize money, circuit points, and everything else that being the champion brings, top competitors can now also lock themselves in early for a spot at the RCS finals. This is great for aspiring players as well since not only does this add more vouchers to the circuit, it also frees up voucher slots to be earned through circuit points!

We wish the best of luck to everyone competing at Hyrule Saga this weekend. For those watching from home, we hope to see you joining us on stream at twitch.tv/RivalsOfAether. Full Hyrule Saga schedule below:

Hyrule Saga Schedule

Some details: Players can earn no more than one travel voucher. In events where the first place finisher already holds a voucher, it will be passed down to the next highest placing player without one.

This is true for the 6 vouchers awarded at the end of the season as well in that they will be passed down the standings to the next eligible player.