Patch 1.4.10 – Do or DI

This is a small update (almost more of that aims to smooth out some aspects of DI assist along with a few other character specific issues.

  • Notes with this label 1.4.10 hotfix were added in a hotfix on 4/16.
  • Notes with this label 1.4.10 hotfix 2 were added in a hotfix on 4/19.
  • 1.4.10 hotfix 2 While watching a replay, press Y to take control of the camera. Pressing LB or RB will change the camera’s movement speed. Camera shake is now disabled in this mode.
  • 1.4.10 hotfix 2 Dev mode replays now save correctly.
  • 1.4.10 hotfix 2 Turnaround-special window length while grounded reduced from 16 > 8. This prevents wavedash back Nspecials from automatically turning around.
  • 1.4.10 hotfix 2 Hit lockout now takes the extra hitpause from the purple kill effect into account.
  • 1.4.10 hotfix 2 Aldor can no longer taunt while lifting off or landing. Instead, he will politely wait until he is done before taunting.
  • 1.4.10 hotfix 2 The start and back buttons can now be used to accept or decline popup messages (to make sure keyboard can always use the F2 shortcut to revert their controls, even when accept and decline keys are unbound).
  • 1.4.10 hotfix Holding up while exiting hitstun will no longer buffer a double jump when tap jump is turned on.
  • 1.4.10 hotfix Pets purchasable with coins will now save correctly.
  • 1.4.10 hotfix Projectiles should now collide correctly with ground (this should only be noticeable in very niche cases, such as Sylvanos seed colliding with the corner of a platform).
  • Bug fix: Intel Integrated GPUs will now display the correct colors on all characters.
  • Weak DI Assist knockback thresholds changed from a constant 10 knockback to a linear progression (scaling from 6 knockback at 20 degrees to 12 knockback at 70 degrees).
    10 KB at 20 degrees is actually very strong, while 10 KB at 70 degrees is fairly weak. This new linear progression is a more accurate representation of what is weak/strong.
  • Strong Knockback DI Assist removed.
    Out of the 4 types of DI Assist, Strong KB DI Assist was the one with the most obvious drawbacks. In general, it made stocks last longer due to players being very likely to accidentally get perfect DI on surprise kill moves. It also made it much harder to get half-DI with instant inward drift on moves that send at 45 degrees (very common).
  • DI Rounding threshold increased from: 10° > 23°.
    DI Rounding is the part of DI Assist that rounds your DI angle to a perpendicular angle if it’s within X degrees of perpendicular. A value of 23 means that you can perfectly DI every move in the game even with only 8 unique input directions.
  • Spike DI Assist removed due to being made redundant by the above changes.
    If the DI Rounding threshold is 20 degrees or higher, Spike DI Assist is no longer necessary.

For clarity’s sake, here’s what DI Assist now looks like:

  • If your DI angle is within 23 degrees of perpendicular DI, it will get rounded to be fully perpendicular.
  • Holding directly out when being hit by “weak” knockback moves with an angle between 20 and 70 will automatically give full DI out.

  • All strong attacks now have 10 frames of hit lockout to avoid being interrupted by bubbles.
    Ustrong previously had 4 on the normal version and 0 on the puddle version. Fstrong previously had 0 on both versions. Dstrong already had 10 on both.

  • 1.4.10 hotfix 2 Linking hits of Nspecial will no longer produce the purple kill effect.
  • 1.4.10 hotfix Dash attack hurtbox fixed.
  • Fspecial cooldown is now only applied on the frame before the projectile is spawned.
    This prevents the full cooldown from being applied when the projectile is destroyed immediately.

  • Attacks that wrap will no longer create the purple kill effect.
  • 1.4.10 hotfix 2 Pillar breaking will no longer send wrapped opponents into pratfall.
  • 1.4.10 hotfix 2 Rock shards will no longer become inactive after hitting a player or other objects.
  • 1.4.10 hotfix 2 Fspecial cooldown indicator will now only activate after the clone is destroyed.

  • 1.4.10 hotfix Charged Nspecial cloud hitbox now has the same KB properties as the lightning bolt Both Charged Nspecial hitboxes hit lockout: 10 (Removes double hit Charged Nspecial).

  • 1.4.10 hotfix 2 Linking hits of Uspecial will no longer produce the purple kill effect.
  • Spirit Flame no longer sets hitpause to 0, instead it just doesn’t apply hitpause.
    This bug caused it to kill the momentum of anyone hit while already in hitpause.

  • 1.4.10 hotfix 2 Linking hits of Uspecial’s poison spin will no longer produce the purple kill effect.
  • 1.4.10 hotfix Getting interrupted after tonguing bubble will no longer make the bubble noninteractable.
  • 1.4.10 hotfix 2 Linking hits of Uspecial will no longer produce the purple kill effect.

  • 1.4.10 hotfix 2 Linking hits of Uspecial will no longer produce the purple kill effect.
  • Nspecial collision is now a circle instead of a rectangle, meaning it will collide more naturally with the corners of platforms (visible in training mode).

  • 1.4.10 hotfix 2 Linking hits of Dstrong will no longer produce the purple kill effect.
  • 1.4.10 hotfix Dair’s projectile protection hitbox can no longer hit Eid on Tower of Heaven. This should fix a bug that killed his vertical momentum if hitting Eid right before hitting a player).
  • Dynamo charge is now lost when hit by Orcane’s bubbles.

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