Community Artist Feature: Dud_bass

Dud_bass has been hard at work over the past year creating the incredible brush stroke styled elemental artwork that has graced our recent splash screens and our fun-in-the-sun summer artwork featured in our recent Spring Break events.

We recently reached out to Dud_bass to learn more about them and their background and interests to give this amazing community member a well-deserved spotlight.

How did you first hear about Rivals and get into the scene?

Dud_bass: I got into Rivals from play with other friends in school. I passed it off as another indie game, however I slowly got into it. After a while, I started to play more and more Kragg, and even made my first art piece which was Absa.

How long have you been drawing Rivals art, and what was your inspiration to start?

Dud_bass: I drew rivals art for around 3-5 years now, since it was a growing and thriving community, I couldn’t help but throw myself into the fray. It also stemmed off into conceptualizing new character ideas and new designs. There’s always new inspiration coming from the content created as well.

What has been your favorite creation so far, and why?

Dud_bass: My favorite creation so far has to be my animations. They’ve always been satisfying to complete after a long day of hard work.

About how long does it take you to finish an art piece? Where in the process do you find yourself spending the most time?

Dud_bass: It usually takes anywhere between 2-24 hours to finish a piece, depending on quality, quantity, etc. Usually my process is straight from paint, start with a completely blank canvas and putting colors down.

What Rivals character is your favorite to draw and why?

Dud_bass: My favorite rivals character to draw is probably Clairen for her flow from her hairstyle and cape or Ori for its possibilities in lighting.

What are your interests outside of art?

Dud_bass: Some sports, (Badminton, Tennis), Biology Researcher.

Be sure to follow Dud_bass on Twitter and keep up with their newest creations!

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