Patch 1.4.22 Notes

  • The game should no longer crash when hovering over a replay saved from the workshop branch.
  • Buffering an attack after a parried jab will no longer put you in parry stun.
    • This does not apply to anything that would cancel the jab.
  • Stage collision extended by 1000px downward to prevent objects like Ranno’s bubble from getting stuck under the stage.
  • Playtest room platforms raised 4px to match the average platform height.
  • Pressing jump and special at the same time while the special is on cooldown will no longer perform a grounded double jump.
  • You can now perform all character-specific special cancels with the right stick set to Special.

  • Uspecial final hit starting base knockback decreased from 8 > 7.
  • Uspecial final hit final base knockback increased from 5 > 6.

  • Dstrong hitbox moved 20px upward (now only reaches as far down as Wrastor’s feet).
  • Nspecial no longer goes into the landing state when it ends on the ground.
  • Nspecial endlag increased from 16 > 20.
    • This makes up for the 4 frames of landing that were removed.

  • Dspecial spikes ground detection width adjusted from the full sprite width > 9px.
    • This will cause them to be destroyed even if the edge of the spike is touching the ground, like in this clip:

  • Empowered Nspecial returns Forsburn’s double jump right when the smoke appears (6 frames earlier than before).
  • Hitting Forsburn’s clone with bubbles will no longer deal damage to Forsburn.

  • Jab 2 no longer goes into parry stun.
  • Jab 2 can now be canceled into jab/tilts even on whiff.

  • Sweetspot fair hitstun modifier decreased from 1.0 > 0.9.
  • Cloud kick hitpause decreased from 12 > 9.
    • There are now 3 fewer frames where the cloud kick is at full strength.
  • Hitting Absa during the 8 frames between placing a cloud with Fspecial and the hitbox appearing will cause the hitbox to not appear.
    • Same behavior as if you hit Absa before she releases special during Fspecial.

  • Jab animation updated.
  • Tilt boost window expanded by 1 frame.
  • Fstrong hit 1 SDI multiplier decreased from x1 > x0.
  • Hitting a player with Uair restores your Uspecial.
  • Getting hit during Fspecial will destroy all of your icicles (15 frame window after icicles are created).
  • The lifespan of strong attack shards now increases by a smaller amount with full charge: +10 frames > +4 frames.
    • This prevents the shards from interfering with Etalus’ own attacks:

  • Bair sweetspot knockback scaling decreased from .6 > .55.
  • Bair sweetspot active frames decreased from 8 > 3.
  • Bair sweetspot’s removed active frames are now a new hitbox that has the same knockback stats as the sweetspot, except weaker base knockback that decays from 7.5 to 5.
  • Bair sourspot knockback scaling decreased from .55 > .5.
  • Bair sourspot base knockback now decays from 8 > 5.
  • Bashed projectiles that are sent straight vertical will now face the same direction Ori is facing instead of always facing right.
  • Sein will no longer disappear if Ori is KOd while performing a team-up strong attack.

  • Tech roll speed decreased from 11 > 10.
  • Fair strong hit (non-spike) inward range decreased by 8px.
  • Needles will no longer break Kragg’s pillar from above.
  • Dspecial’s air stall is not used up if the grounded version is interrupted.
  • Bubbled enemy drift acceleration increased from .25 > .4.

  • Bair max pin time decreased from 192 > 96.
  • Bair sweetspot width reduced by 8px (still has the same max range).
  • Bair strongest sourspot moved slightly outward to reduce the deadzone between it and the sweetspot.
  • Bair now has 10 frames before it can be cancelled on whiff.
  • Ustrong has 2 new hitboxes between the existing ones. They have the same knockback as the weaker of the two hitboxes that surround them.
  • Fspecial hurtbox reduced on the top.

  • Ori’s spirit flame will no longer remove Dynamo Mail’s charge if it doesn’t deal knockback.

11 responses to “Patch 1.4.22 Notes”

  1. Alex says:

    Maybe next time we can get some movement buffs on Clairen. Also love what’s going on with Etalus in this patch!

  2. bob says:

    why kill ori lmao

  3. wang fire says:

    yall hate me i knew it

  4. Cork_xx says:

    <.< cool

  5. tictacto says:


  6. Jaylen Marks says:


  7. Kenny says:

    What kind? Something to make her movement tech a little easier?

  8. rose says:

    not a kill move btw

  9. Ali213 says:

    Aether crystal <3

  10. binarycat says:

    Rip sylv bair.

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