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Creatures of Aether – Kragg has Arrived

Our last Creatures of Aether update on this blog was in December, but Creatures of Aether has been growing exponentially since then. Let’s highlight some of the updates.

Season 5

After launching Wrastor and the four mini-legendaries in December, we also launched a new Dungeon type called Prize Plunders. These are rare, free dungeons that you can sometimes find as a daily reward if you check the shop every day. Grabbing the shop tile gives you one pass to the dungeon that you must use before the day is over.

The Prize Plunders are a great way to get rewards!

The Prize Plunders have 4 bosses, one for each element, so you get to choose which boss you want to fight. Instead of standard battles, it has Prize Games which are one of the best ways in the game to grab a large amount of coins. You’ll have to use your cards wisely in order to open up all the chests and maximize your coin rewards.

Season 6

Season 6 launched on January 1st and introduced Sylvanos to the game. Like Wrastor before him, Sylvanos was a meta changing Rival as his ability completely changes the way you have to play against him. Sylvanos requires an elemental tile to use his ability, but once played on one, he can attack all cards on the board of that element from all sides. That’s right, any card with a number lower than his starting 3 value will get flipped.

Sylvanos also triggers a screen-wide homefield toward that element. Players can use Sylvanos either early or late into a match depending on their deck and what they need from him.

Later in January, we released four Shifter cards during Season 6. During Season 4 and 5, Avatar decks particularly with Etalus were seeing a lot of use on both the ladder and competitive play. We decided to nerf Avatar cards and give them more requirements while also introducing shifter cards as potential card to drop into their deck archetype.

Shifter cards change their element to match elemental slots and gain the buff. This is useful for when you need to get a certain element or want to use that triple slot that both you and your opponent had been avoiding.

Season 7

Season 7 started on February 1st with the release of Forsburn, the Exiled Flame. This Rival card is all about deception and you can get the most use out of playing him early.

When you play Forsburn, he creates smoke tiles in  3×3 grid around himself. At the end of your turn, you can teleport Forsburn to a smoke tile if you control him. Jumping to a new smoke tile allows Forsburn to trigger new flips. You can also play a “vanilla” card or a card without any abilities behind the smoke and hide the card from your opponent. They can try to flip it but won’t know the numbers that you hid. Forsburn is all about being sneaky and now you can be sneaky in Creatures of Aether as well!

After designing Forsburn, we decided to experiment more with the “vanilla” card design space. Before Season 7, epic vanilla cards were some of the least played cards in the game. Because while they had big numbers, they were often outclassed by Powerup or Avatar. To bring some luster and magic back to these cards we introduced two new abilities that both launched on February 15th.

The first ability is War Drums. If you control this card on the board, then your vanilla cards get +2 when they are played. You must control the drums when the vanilla card is played and your opponent can take the drums and use it for themselves. This creates an important card that both players can fight over.

The next ability that we released is War Horn. When this card is played, you can choose a vanilla card from your hand and place it anywhere on the board and then return it back to your hand. This ability synergizes with War Drums because the played card gets the +2 buff and retains it. Meaning you can play this card again later and get another buff from the same drum. War Horn and War Drum are most effective when played together and with some beefy vanilla cards. The combination of the three created a new vanilla deck archetype for us that is challenging the previous meta of either mono or avatar decks.

Season 8

Season 8 is launching today, March 1st, with the release of Kragg! Kragg is a powerful earth Rival that brings along his trusty rock from Rivals of Aether.

When you play Kragg, you get to choose anywhere on the board to place his rock. The rock prevents your opponent from playing on the tile. The rock tile also cannot be weakened if you play it on an elemental slot so homefield and scorch will not weaken it. You can however use homefield to make it stronger. The rock tile is something your opponent will have to play around because they know you will be looking to drop something strong on there near the end of the game.

Also launching today with Season 8 is Affection Level. It’s a new progression system for your cards! As you use your cards more, they will give you gifts as their Affection Level increases. Once you raise the level to 500, then you unlock a new Golden Skin for that creature!

There are two ways to raise the Affection Level. First, playing a match on ladder with that card grants you one Affection Level. You also gain one Affection Level for each card that you flip with that card during the match. Your favorite cards are going to love you back! Next, leveling up a card grants you 100 Affection Level. You can reach 300 Affection just by getting your card to Level 4! You can get another 100 by filling the xp bar past 4 and while your card won’t get stronger, you will get some Abyss Orbs for your hard work. Make sure you level up your favorites and show off your golden skins.

There has never been a better time to get into Creatures of Aether as Season 8 is just getting started with a new Rival Pass for Kragg. Get it on iOS and Android today!

Download on Google Play

Download on Apple Store

Creatures of Aether Holiday Update!

Creatures of Aether has a big content update coming December 16th. On top of exciting Holiday Bundles, we are releasing four new mini-legendary cards that are sure to shake up the meta!

This Holiday update caps off a 3 months of updates since the App’s release in September. Let’s take a look at everything happening with Creatures this month.

Season 5

December 1st launched the Season 5 Battle Pass, which saw the release of fan-favorite Rival from the Rivals of Aether series, and face of the Creatures of Aether App icon, Wrastor.

Wrastor allows you to relocate any card without even entering the field!

In addition to the all-new Battle Pass, December 1st also brought a huge update to the ranked ladder, making it much more fun to climb the ladder while also allowing players to check out leaderboards and see the decks that top competitors are using.

Get ideas to improve your own deck and see how you stack up by checking out the Leaderboard!

Still to come, we have four “mini-legendaries” that promise to add even more depth into our constantly evolving game. Rivals of Aether fans may recognize these cards from our greater universe.

Master Cai:

If your opponent doesn’t take the card quickly, Master Cai will poison all their cards on each of your turns.


Swiftwing swoops across the board and takes as many cards as he can along his flight path.


Renburn razes the battlefield upon his entrance, taking power away from all cards on the board.


Zolt’s metal coat allows you to chain special abilities through it and forces your opponent to use a capture to remove it, while leaving Zolt un-turned afterwards.

That’s it for December, let’s check out some earlier additions to the game!

Season 4

November 1st launched the Season 4 Battle Pass, bringing Etalus, The Glacier’s Might, and an entirely new card ability, push, to the game!

Etalus freezes any cards he flips upon entering the battlefield!

The new Push ability  attracts the nearest cards before casting them to the edge of the field!

There has never been a better time to get into Creatures of Aether and the Holiday sales will continue until the New Year. Get it on iOS and Android today!

Download on Google Play

Download on Apple Store

Job Opportunity – Netcode Consultant

Hello everyone, we are looking for a Networking Engineer Consultant to come in and help us get across the finish line for Rivals of Aether Defintive Edition. This is a remote, part-time position. We are looking for someone to help us fix issues in our logic and get the new netcode running at 60 FPS.

  • Requirements:
    • 2+ Years working on online multiplayer games. Peer to Peer connection experience is required.
  • Ideal Candidate Experience:
    • Experience working on Fighting Games particularly online features.
    • Familiarity with Game Maker Studio 1 or 2.
    • Familiarity with reading Haxe. Alternatively reading C#/TypeScript/ActionScript.
  • Qualities:
    • You can work remotely as a team and use Discord for communication.
    • You have familiarity with GitHub and other Source Control tools.

This is a paid, remote contractor position that we’re trying to fill as soon as possible. Rate is negotiable based on your experience and resume. This is a short, part-time position. We are anticipating only 10-20 hours of work total to help us get our logic sorted out. The majority of the work will be discussion on Discord and reviewing our repository on GitHub.

There are two ways to apply.

First, reach out to me on twitter @danfornace. If your Twitter profile is updated and relevant, we can discuss details on Twitter.

Second, if you don’t have a Twitter presence or have time, email us more information. Please send a short cover letter in the body of an email, with your available start date in the heading, and an attached resume (.pdfs only please) to contact@rivalsofaether.com. Please Label the subject line: Netcode Consultant – Your Name.

New Feature – Take a trip through Aether!

Since we launched on Early Access in September of last year, we have gotten a ton of feedback and requests. Often players come to us with balance suggestions, character ideas or even new gameplay features that they want added to the game. It is with great pleasure that I can announce that we will be adding one of the most requested features to Rivals of Aether – Tripping.


Tripping is an extremely popular and well liked feature that you may have seen in other platform fighters. We know that players love losing control of their character. However, one of the complaints about tripping when it was implemented in another popular series is that it felt too random and unpredictable. Since Rivals of Aether is focused on competitive play, we wanted our implementation of tripping to be as competitive as possible. Therefore in Rivals, you will now trip EVERY time that you try to dash. You will no longer have to worry about a random number generator impacting your intense matches. This implementation will be the most competitive version of tripping ever!


Now I know what you might be thinking, “Hey doesn’t that make characters who prefer the air much stronger?” Don’t worry! We thought about that too. In order to balance tripping around our entire cast, we are also introducing Air Tripping. Air tripping is triggered EVERY time you try to double jump. This makes it extremely balanced! We wouldn’t want to have some new ridiculous character such as a small bat with a sword terrorizing our high level play.


High level Rivals will now be even more competitive thanks to this new feature. The game will be extremely balanced and you will no longer have to worry about Forsburn’s awesome Dash Attack. Never before has tripping met the three F’s of competitive gameplay – Fair, Fun and Frequent! We expect fans of fighting games to be tripping over themselves trying to pick up a copy of Rivals of Aether.


RIVALS OF AETHER development is live! We started working on this title in April 2014 and we’re happy to reveal our first two characters: Zetterburn – the Fire’s Roar, and Orcane – the Puddle Jumper.

Check back to this site frequently as we will be posting character announcements and development updates. If you want to get involved by discussing the game and contributing to the balance, head over to our Smashboards thread!

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