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Returns whether a specific rune is currently equipped on the player. For more info on how to add custom runes to your character, check the Custom Abyss Runes page.

letter:stringThe letter of the rune to check.

Example, called from init.gml:

//This code will set the character's dash speed to be much higher only if rune A is equipped.
if has_rune("A") {
dash_speed = 8;
} else {
dash_speed = 4;


Sets the character’s custom Hit Particle sprite for the specified slot. Note that this will only successfully run in init.gml.

Can be assigned to a custom sprite using

sprite_get( sprite )  Reference→

or set to one of the following indexes

num:realThe custom particle slot to change
sprite_index:realThe sprite index to assign to that slot

Example, called from init.gml:

set_hit_particle_sprite( 1, sprite_get( "custom_sprite" ) );


Spawns a visual effect at the specified position. Unlike hit fx, dust effects don’t pull from a list and instead just displays sprite indexes directly.

x:realThe x position to spawn effect at
y:realThe y position to spawn effect at
sprite_index:realThe sprite index to use.
length:realThe amount of time it takes for the animation to play, in frames.

Example, called from update.gml:

// spawns a visual effect at the beginning of 4th Fspecial window:
if (attack == AT_FSPECIAL && window == 4 && window_timer == 1) {
spawn_dust_fx( x, y, sprite_get("custom_sprite"), 26 );


Returns the values of a custom stage’s specific background layer, using one of the following indexes:

Note that this only works on custom stages. Using this on a default stage will always return 0.

layer:realThe layer to check. Layers 1-6 are background, Layer 7 is ground level, and layers 8-9 are the foreground.
data:realThe data index to check. Can be one of the indexes listed above.

Example, called from a stage’s article1_update.gml:
//This will make the article's Y coordinate move at the same rate as the first background layer's Y-autoscroll speed.
y += get_bg_data(1, BG_LAYER_AUTOSCROLL_Y);


Sets the values of a custom stage’s specific background layer.

You can set the following indexes:

Note that this only works on custom stages. Using this on a default stage will do nothing.

layer:realThe layer to change.Layers 1-6 are background, Layer 7 is ground level, and layers 8-9 are the foreground.
data:realThe data index to set. Can be one of the indexes listed above.
value:realThe value the data will be set to.

Example, called from a stage’s update.gml:
//This will cause the first background layer to sway up and down by 10 pixels over time.
set_bg_data(1, BG_LAYER_AUTOSCROLL_Y, sin(get_gameplay_time()) * 10 );