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Returns a setting of the current match. This includes rule overrides by custom stages. If the rule override for time is set to 0 (disabling the timer), then SET_TIMER will still return the normal time setting.

setting:realThe match setting to check.

Indexes Reference

Example, called from a stage’s init.gml:

//This sets a wave amount for a custom game mode that overrides the normal timer.
waves_left = get_match_setting( SET_TIMER );


Overrides the camera position. Use the functions

view_get_xview()  Reference→

view_get_yview()  Reference→

for the arguments if you don’t want to override them. The camera will be restricted to the edges of the stage in base game stages, but will be fully unlocked on workshop stages.

x:realThe X coordinate to set the camera to
y:realThe Y coordinate to set the camera to

Example, called from animation.gml:

//This will focus the camera on the player if they trigger the purple kill effect when hitting another player, but not if they're hit themselves.
if (activated_kill_effect && state_cat != SC_HITSTUN ) {
set_view_position(x, y - (char_height / 2) );


Forces the match to end. All arguments are optional, and not providing any arguments will trigger overtime in the event of a tie. Any placements not supplied will be calculated normally. Use -1 in an argument if you want that placement to be skipped and calculated normally as well.

The winning player. Must be between 1 and 4.
The player in second place. Must be between 1 and 4.
The player in third place. Must be between 1 and 4.
The player in fourth place. Must be between 1 and 4.

Example, called from a stage’s article1_update.gml:

//This code will end the match as soon as a player touches the article, with the player who touched it automatically winning the match.
var touch = instance_place(x, y, oPlayer);
if touch != noone {
end_match( touch.player );


Calls the scripts user_event0.gmluser_event15.gml from the mod’s scripts folder, within the context of the instance using this function and the script it’s used in.

num:realThe number of the user event script to run. Must be between 0 and 15.

Example, called from attack_update.gml:

//This code runs a custom event during certain points in USPECIAL and FSPECIAL. This could be things like building meter or activating a status effect, but really it's up to you.
if (attack == AT_USPECIAL && window == 2 && window_timer == 1) {
user_event( 2 );
if (attack == AT_FSPECIAL && window == 4 == window_timer == 1) {
user_event( 2 );


Prints a custom message to the error log. The error log can be toggled by pressing Ctrl+F8 anywhere in the game.

message:stringThe message to print

Example, called from init.gml:

print_debug( “Hello, world!” );