Community Roundup #11

Welcome back for the latest community roundup. Here we highlight our favorite fan-made Rivals stuff, from the lowliest memes to art of the highest order. Read on for our favorite music, art, general community happenings, and more.


ZomboGrub is a great artist that we’ve featured before. Here’s his newest Rivals drawing featuring Etalus. You can check out more on his DeviantArt.

Here’s Maypul done in a wonderful painterly style by Iguanodragon.

An adorable Chibi Wrastor by SpunkyRacoon

Just a smol Wrastor by Peppeypep

Absa, Ftilt Dtilt by Smaly

Zetterburn by Smaly

Smaly has some pieces that have been passed around the community before (and even featured in other posts of ours) but never directly in a roundup. We love his paintings and animations!


The Bigger Balc was our most stacked tournament since the RCS finals at Genesis 4. If you missed the action Jarek4Gaming put together a great highlight video from the tournament.

Ludvix gets some Rivals revenge.

Dimz Noms has some thoughts on Forsburn’s lore.



ThirstyWench got a ton of Rivals players to sign a shirt at The Bigger Balc. It’s always awesome to meet the community in person and now he’s got a souvenir with some of the greats.

Kisuno shows us the mind of an Absa (and how to get inside it)

/u/shadowkelp’s answer to the age old question, “Where did the loincloth go?”

_leon’s sweet Maypul snipe

And another example of mutual destruction by /u/otheusrex

That’s it for this week! Let us know in the comments if we missed any of your favorites, and make sure to give the creators some love.