Community Roundup #13

Welcome back for the latest community roundup, where we highlight our favorite fan-made Rivals art, music, videos, and more. Read on to catch up on some great community pieces you might have missed.









While we’re on the art category, it’s also worth mentioning that there’s now a dedicated #art-gallery channel in the official discord. There’s tons of great artists in the community and the gallery is just another place to highlight them. Take a look or post your own at



A cool Rivals version of King from Cave Story by Brawlitup99 from the discord #art-gallery:


A dunkmaster Etalus skin from /u/ChiuceBox:


Dekanai over on soundcloud put together this awesome symphonic metal version of the abyss track “Formless Onslaught” from the OST.


One of the first combo videos to feature Ori was put together by Cupz and Adam Carra. This is a great early showing on what this character can do. Hopefully we’ll see some more flashy Ori play in the RCS this weekend.

bAK47ed put together a bunch of cool Ori and Sein tutorials and early tech videos for the pair. Here’s just one useful one on how to do team-up smashes. Check out his channel for others on Sein spiking, bindings, and more.

/u/Chewyoo shows off a beautiful light grenade shot that leads to a kill.


golden-elite-profile-pictureGolden Elite has some fantastic guides and just recently put out a new one focusing on helpful stuff for newer players. This guide compiles all kinds of things from common Rivals terminology, character specific techs, and even links to other guides and community hangouts.

I highly recommend this for any players that are looking to take a step deeper into the game. Check it out here: Golden Guides: The Basics

Here’s one of our favorite moments from PAX West:


Most underappreciated (best) recent video:

That’s it for this community roundup! Let us know in the comments if we missed any of your favorites, and be sure to give the creators some love.