Developer Update – June 2015

Hey Guys!

We are back for another developer update. And this time you can be a part of it – today we have submitted Rivals of Aether to Steam Greenlight!


To get on Steam, we need your vote! Please let your friends know about Rivals of Aether and our Greenlight page. The more votes we get, the sooner we can get approved and work out how feasible Early Access will be so everyone can get their hands on the game faster.

And in case you missed it, Rivals of Aether was shown off at E3 2015 earlier this month! The convention was amazing and it was an incredible feeling to be there in person to show off our game.


We had a kiosk in the official Xbox booth as we were one of the ID@Xbox games on the show floor. We had a fantastic reception, with tons of attendees eagerly picking up the game and enthusiastic gamers coming back for more matches.


We also went live on the official Xbox Daily stream and broadcasted the game in front of thousands of viewers. Talking with Rukari, Xbox’s Community specialist, I gave an in-depth demonstration of Zetterburn and Orcane to the stream audience.


We are incredibly grateful to the ID@Xbox team for inviting us along and helping us promote our game at the biggest gaming convention of the year.


We had the pleasure of meeting up with fellow developers working on wonderful games like Shovel Knight, Cuphead, Below, Salt and SanctuaryFl337, and other indie hits. We even talked to some of the press and had some great coverage come from E3!


We had an article featured on Polygon and we were featured in the top 5 Games of E3 by XBLAfans. The guys at That One Videogamer also talked about the game on their E3 recap podcast.

Overall, we’re super excited about all the attention this game is getting now, and we know with your support that Rivals of Aether is only going to get better from here!