Developer Update – March 2015

Hey guys,

We are back with another developer update. This month we have another change in personnel! Midio has done a fantastic job doing the cleaned up sprites for Forsburn. The character just oozes with personality and we’re quite happy with how he turned out. However, as Midio has other projects and responsibilities that he must attend to, Forsburn will be the last character from Midio. We thank him a ton for his great work. As a sample of his quality, here is Forsburn’s Forward Strong Attack:


With Midio leaving, we have secured another talented pixel artist to fill his shoes and pick up on the next character:


Ellian is a pixel artist from France who has done some great work on his One Game a Month (#1GAM) projects and the indie project, Catam. His style matches quite well with the character sprites in Rivals of Aether and we feel Ellian will be a great fit on our team. He will be tackling sprites for our newest character and we can’t wait to show you what the next Rival has in store!

We have also been improving the game engine this month. After a great GDC, we made some balance changes to Zetterburn, Kragg and Wrastor, who we discovered had tricks which made them quite powerful compared to the rest of the cast. We also introduced Forsburn into the mix and while we are looking to improve him over time, he does fit nicely into the roster’s balance so far.

We have been working on implementing additional features in the game. One such feature we can show you now is Player Tags!


Player Tags allow you to customize the text above your Rival to display a name of your choice up to 6 characters long. The cool thing is, we’ve designed the interface to allow you to choose, create and delete tags right on the character select screen. There’s no need to back out and visit other menus just to add a player! We are also reworking our control logic so that by the end of April, players will be able to store their custom controls into their Player Tags to have quick access to their preferred control scheme. This means when friends come over, they won’t have to keep setting up their controls every time!


With Player Tags, you can style on your opponent and make sure they know who’s doing it! They will also be useful in tournaments to give spectators an easy way to keep track of who is playing which Rival.

The month of April holds a lot for the development of Rivals. We will be diving headfirst into network multiplayer as well as improving the engine all up. At the same time, we are developing the next character who we hope to reveal in early May!

And lastly, tomorrow we have a very important announcement regarding the future of the game that is sure to blow your minds! Be prepared.