Developer Update – October 2015

Hey Rivals Fans!

Some big news today. First off, we have updated our Steam Early Access build to 0.0.7. This update brings some great bug-fixes and balance changes. Along with the updates, we are also introducing some spooky Halloween themed color palettes for Rivals players to enjoy:


These palettes are in addition to the 6 that are currently available to players. If you are enjoying the game on Steam Early Access, you can check out the Patch Notes here.

We have some more exciting news. Absa, the Storm’s Architect, will be joining the other Rivals during Early Access. She will be available to players on November 19, 2015!

Absa will be available to all Early Access players throughout the program until launch. She will also coming to the Xbox Game Preview Program when Rivals becomes part of that.

Thanks to your support, we were able to find a candidate to help us with the Xbox One certification process. We are still discussing the opportunity but hope to add him to our team very soon. We want to be on the Xbox Game Preview Program as soon as possible but do not have a date to share with you quite yet. We’ll have more news about the Game Preview Program later this year!

Development has been going well now that we have a ton of players in our ecosystem. The response to Rivals of Aether has been amazing and we are incredibly thankful for all your support. Here are some great press and community highlights from the past month:

Thanks again for all your support. Join us on our subreddit, get involved on Aetherboards, or follow me on twitter to stay on top of all the Rivals of Aether discussion.