Thank You to all of our Early Access Players!

It’s no secret that Rivals wouldn’t be where it is today without our players and awesome community. We’re still amazed and humbled every time we see art, videos, tournaments, articles and streams about our indie platform fighter.

As a thank you to everyone who’s purchased the game and our players who have helped us grow, we’re adding a special piece of DLC for everyone who bought the game in Early Access. Introducing the Early Access color set that applies to both your Steam name and your favorite Rivals:

Profile with EA Color Set

This DLC unlocks the old school Gameboy color set for every Rival, and also gives you a colored name you can use online to show off your EA status. The Gameboy colors are a throwback to one of Dan’s earlier smash games, so we thought it fitting that the early adopters would get the OG palette from before Rivals was cool.

Players don’t have to do anything to get these, they’ll automatically be attached to your account when the game comes out on Tuesday. Everyone who gets the game in Early Access will receive this so you technically still have some time to hop on the bandwagon if you want a chance to use these in game.

EA Color Set

These colors have special properties that can’t be recreated in the custom color menu.

Thanks again to all of our players, we hope you’re as excited about the full launch as we are!