EU Top 20: HMs

By: Yam, ERR40, OddBod, Slime Mage, Tom, Wisetom

This is part of an article series highlighting the European Rivals of Aether community, focusing on the top 20 EU players.

Articles in the Series

With Europe’s wide pool of talent it will always be hard to showcase every significant member of the community. As a result we decided to give a special spotlight to some of our other notable players that don’t only show what they’re capable of in tournament play, but are also well known within the circle of EU players.

AC Slater, Denmark zetterburn@32forsburn@32

ac-slaterThis guy is good. Let me rephrase that – this guy is amazing. As a top ranked Brawl player from Denmark, Slater knows his way around fighting games and it shows. He is one of those players that doesn’t play the character, he plays the game.

On nearly any character he’ll routinely outshine even the top tier players in the neutral game. He fundamentally understands the game and through stellar movement he makes his opponents bend to his will. Due to spotty participation to tourneys it’s impossible to accurately rank him however, so an honorable mention will have to do!

Issy, Netherlands kragg@32

issyOne of the greatest artists in the Rivals community, Issy earns a spot in our honorable mentions for his appealing art style which has brought many of our favorite rivals to life. He’s also no slouch in game, sporting a technical play style with Kragg.

While his results have kept him off the main list Issy is on the come-up with his recent Aethernity placings. We expect more improvement and upsets from Issy in upcoming season 2 of the RCS.

Clownster, Israel wrastor@32

clownsterThere’s only one reason why Clownster isn’t part of the top twenty and that’s his connection to the rest of EU. Even with yellow and red ping he’s still able to pull off an intense, combo-heavy playstyle that’s guaranteed to overwhelm his opponents. Clownster is also a great pixel artist.

With his slipstream enhanced movement he’ll be able to carry you from wherever you are on stage to your inescapable doom. Honestly, he could be the best Wrastor in EU, but we can’t be sure due to his ping! Therefore he’s on this list as an honorable mention.