Launch Week Community Roundup

Hey everyone,

Etalus here with the first community roundup post launch! Community roundups highlight our favorite fan-made Rivals stuff, from the lowliest memes to art of the highest order. With our steam release there has been a flood of Rivals art and awesome community creations, making it quite hard to pick just a few.  Read on for our favorites in categories that range from music to best launch bugs.


Some regal Zetterburn art from LineShark

LayMayMayKing Rivals Babies

Adorable new born Rivals by reddit user LayMayMayKing

Adam Carra’s amazing tale of two friends just playing some video games.


Toko’s remix of the lonely tower


NyxTheShield’s remix of the main Rivals theme

Story Mode


ERR40 breaking top 100 on fursthest wave

Congrats to ERR40 for being the first to break 100 on furthest abyss wave

fmpf Orcane

True statement by reddit user fmpf

Here’s RiskyCB crushing the boss in 39 seconds back before anyone had a time under one minute.

Jorane CSS

Jorane’s version of the character select screen after playing Story Mode

Zam showing off his route for Zetterburn’s story stage 4


Best Bugs

LuNoX finds that that Absa’s stage has water resistant platforms.

Atma carefully lays a puddle after respawning, which apparently has other plans and decides to leave him when he needs it most.

Let us know in the comments any of your favorites that we missed, and make sure to give the creators some props!