Patch 1.2.4 Notes

We’re releasing a small patch today that’s a partner to the larger 1.2.3 from last week. Since this mainly involves optimization and some bugfixes, we’re avoiding most of the fanfare of a normal patch. You can find the full notes and leave comments below as always.


  • Respawn time before you can leave the platform increased from 1.5 seconds to 2 seconds.
    We’re tired of seeing characters like Zetterburn and Forsburn get punished for landing super deep kills. Our original concern with a long respawn time was related to characters like Etalus armoring during the down time. Since players can do that anyway, we feel comfortable extending the respawn time.
  • Unique victory screen backgrounds have been added for Ranno and Clairen.
  • Some audio files and memory processes have been optimized.
  • Players can no longer buffer a reverse Dtilt or Utilt after a whiffed jab.
  • Releasing left or right will no longer clear the dash buffer.
    While this fixed a bug with keyboard controls, it made buffering 1 frame dash inputs almost impossible.
  • Players can no longer dash during the first 3 frames of crouching.
    This is a new fix made to prevent the bug that made crouching take 3 extra frames when using keyboard controls.


  • Assorted visual bugs (most appearing on pause) have been cleaned up.
  • Two Ranno tongue/stage related crashes have been fixed.
  • Fixed a bug with the flinch state that made flinching Kragg’s Pillar by crouch cancelling last longer than it should have.
  • Speed is now capped on Absa’s Uspecial when entering parry stun to prevent shenanigans:

Training Mode

  • Setting damage in training mode options now sets player damage as well as CPU damage.


  • Nair hit lockout time has been shortened to the minimum value. This is to prevent Lily from missing her attack when Maypul Nairs someone right next to her.
  • The knockback angles for Uair 1 and 2 have been reverted back from 70 > 60.
  • Uair hits 1 and 2 now have double scaling only when Uair is performed after tethering.
    Our goal is to keep tether Uair good while preventing it from being 100% guaranteed. This change introduces a 50/50 on DI by allowing opponents to escape tether Uair combos. but doing so leaves them open to being KOed by tether Nair combos.


  • Energy field lifetime reduced from 15 seconds > 10 seconds.
    In a previous update, the lifetime was accidentally changed from 10 to 15 seconds. This is just reverting that change to the previous state Clairen was released in.


  • Etalus Dash Attack can no longer destroy projectiles
    This attack was designed to be inversely disjointed and lose to projectiles. However in scenarios where Etalus and the projectile are moving at the right speeds, dash attack could break projectiles. We decided to make this work as intended and prevent Etalus dash attack from ever breaking projectiles.