Patch – Stages Galore!

We have a patch focused on fun updates to share with everyone today, adding some really cool changes to several stages! You may have noticed our favorite fishy monarch, The Troupple King, hanging out and judging you during last stock situations recently over on Troupple Pond. This patch builds on that by adding last stock visuals to seven more stages to add to the excitement.

We’ve also updated Olympia’s and Hodan’s stages with new large variants, along with addressing a niche but important ceiling teching bug. Check out our stage focused update in all of its glory:

  • Several stages now have visual changes for last stock: Neo Fire Capital, Treetop Lodge, Blazing Hideout, Tempest Peak, Forest Floor, Spirit Tree, and The Endless Abyss.
    • A last stock variant for Troupple Pond was also added into the game in a recent hotfix.
  • Added large variants for Crystal Oasis and Highdive Hideaway for doubles and 4-player games:


  • Teching off of the ceiling now clears the dodge buffer, which will prevent unintended airdodges after teching.
    • Previously, holding a direction while ceiling teching off of Kragg rock, Air Armada, etc would force an air dodge while having no directional input would allow players to act normally out of a tech.
  • Fixed a visual bug that made Summit Kragg’s snow appear too low in playtest.
  • RoA/CEO Ring no longer displays old versions of character profiles on the big screen.
  • Selecting a random stage no longer selects banned stages.
  • Fixed a visual bug on Forsburn’s portraits.

8 responses to “Patch – Stages Galore!”

  1. jim bob says:

    Please allow toggleable skins on random though. The Training Mode alt gets laggy as hell for some reason on some systems and esp online, no idea why. Would be nice to disable it

  2. Narann says:

    Thanks for the update! Any hope for a Switch release? >_>

  3. Narann says:

    That’s such a good news to read! Thanks for your hard work!

  4. Ydrick says:


  5. FALCION says:

    Why after this patch, sylvanos howl deals just 2% instead of 4% like the last time this character was effectively in a balance change? Sylvanos already struggles in competitive and now you are doing silent nerfs? i hope not

  6. DAWGIESZ says:

    idk where to bug report so ill do it here. When using Abyss Zetter the flame effect isnt there

  7. Thangbaocuto says:


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