Last weekend Rivals of Aether quietly joined the list of games available on Anther’s Ladder. Now that the kinks are worked out and it’s a brand new month, it’s time to make some noise for one of the best Smash community sites out there. In addition to announcements throughout our community today, we’re also kicking off a raffle where you can earn more entries by playing. Read on to learn more.
What is Anther’s Ladder?
For the uninitiated, Anther’s Ladder is a community site and tool developed by Anther to make networking and finding online matches quick and effortless. Rivals players can now use the site to chat, help themselves find opponents, see detailed ladder history by character, and other great features that supplement Rivals’ built in netplay.
To get started, all you have to do is create an account on the site and add ‘Rivals of Aether’ to the list of games you’d like to play. After that you can find opponents in chat and start matchmaking in friendlies or ranked games. Make sure you have your Steam profile handy as you’ll need to invite your opponent through friendly matches.
To celebrate the addition of Rivals to Anther’s ladder, we’re holding a raffle for some sweet Rivals posters and DLC.
To enter, make sure you’re listed on season one of Anther’s ranked ladder by the end 2/16/18. Players will also receive an additional entry for every 10 games on their ranked record! For example, if the contest ended today Menace would receive 3 chances (1 for being listed on the ladder and an additional 2 for having 22 games played).
The contest winner will receive their choice of Rivals MuffinBros poster by Eric Y Huang, as well as a bundle of some of the newest DLC. Good luck to everyone and we hope you enjoy this new way to play!