Rivals S2 Top 50: #20 – 11

This week we’re counting down the Top 50 players during season 2 of the NA RCS circuit. For more information about the methodology and how rankings were decided, check out the S2 Top 50 Introduction post. To enter free Rivals of Aether events online and play in season 3 of the circuit yourself, head over to smash.gg and register.

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#20 – Handbuttt

Mentality’s own Handbuttt is a very strong Etalus player, and an oldschool one at that, playing the character even in season one before he saw a spike in popularity. Prominent takedowns for him this season include Kaos, Turquoise, and Risky at Shine where he secured himself a 5th place finish. Though he plays less competitively these days, his skill is still apparent as he came back for several RCS events towards the end of the year – placing in the top 16 without even needing to shake off any rust.


#19 – Jesier

Jesier has been on the rise this year after he switched from being a long-time Wrastor main to focus on Ori and Sein. It’s safe to say the swap has paid off for him as our panelists have voted him the top solo Ori main in the game. With consistent top 32 finishes all year, and a huge 3rd place finish in December with wins over Penguin, TheFailWhale, and Dynla he’s safely solidified himself among the top 20.

This massive jump of over 20 ranks from last year certainly shows his growth as a player, and his recent qualification for the Mentality League is a good sign that it’s not stopping this year either.


#18 – ProDoubleSushi

ProDoubleSushi is an excellent Forsburn player who quite literally wrote the book on some of the Forsburn tech still used today. A highly competitive player, he’s found success in not only Rivals but other games like Dragon Ball FighterZ and is a prolific streamer and entertainer. Though he’s participated less in the official circuit this year, the fact that every single event he’s placed in has been top 16 or higher has locked in his spot in the ranking – and reminds people to never sleep on him.


#17 – Lord Bagel

Lord Bagel is a player who’s come incredibly far in such a short time. Going from completely unranked last year to 17th is a huge accomplishment and one he should be proud of. He’s still struggling to climb the last hurdle and defeat some of his rock-throwing demons, but with his growth mindset, great starting point, and passion for the game we expect to see him go far in season 3 with just a few breakthroughs.


#16 – Heyodogo

Texas is home to some of the strongest Rivals players in the world, and the young talent Heyodogo is no exception to that rule. His Orcane is always a massive threat and has sent many a top player to losers bracket. Though everyone agrees his online skills are top notch, many are hoping he’ll show up to a large season 3 local event to see if he can keep up his success in a different environment.


#15 – Jorane

Flash Point’s Jorane is not only a talented and creative player, but also a talented and creative artist. A fan favorite for his bright personality and poignant art, solid showings all year landed him in the top 20 for both overall pointholders in the RCS as well as the top 50. He’s already registered for Hyrule Saga and representing Canada in the crew battle as well, so we’re excited to see how he does in season 3 this summer.


#14 – Ceztellz

Ceztellz’ Absa takes the character to a completely new level then most people are used to. Over this season he’s been a bane to the best players in the game with wins over FullStream, CakeAssault, DolphinBrick and more. Recently he seems to be soul searching, entering events with secondaries and coming back with lower results than we’ve seen from him earlier in the year. Hopefully in season 3 he’ll find what he’s looking for since he clearly has the potential to make any Rival a threat.


#13 – Protagify

Players have known that Vireo’s Protagify was good for a long time, we just didn’t know how good until Genesis 5. Living in Hawaii kept him relatively untested in a serious setting until he was able to prove himself at the most stacked event of the year. With wins over TurtleBox, Ralph, ProDoubleSushi, and more he was able to push his limits just like the first time NA and EU Rivals players met at Genesis 4. These results combined with his history in the WCS and other events have solidified it in the panelists’ minds that he’s a top 15 player.


#12 – TheFailWhale

TwistedSin’s TheFailWhale is a fast-paced player that has always had the moves. This year the smoothest Kragg in the game has switched to Etalus which is quite fitting for his slippery playstyle. His consistent placings and track record against some of the best this year have landed him just outside the top 10.

TheFailWhale is also known throughout the community for his monumental TO work. Rivals wouldn’t be the same without him running hundreds of consecutive tournaments for regions all across the country. Make sure you thank your TOs! We hope to see him push even further with his gameplay in season 3.


#11 – TurtleBox

FlySociety’s TurtleBox was a constant threat as we saw him travel to more events than ever last season and consistently place high. Potential is an often talked about characteristic in players, and our panelists certainly don’t think TurtleBox has hit his yet. When you’re as close to the top of the game as he is that’s a very good thing to hear.

Aside from his tournament accolades, TurtleBox is also quickly coming for the title of number one Kragg in the game. With his recent head-to-head setcount against MSB, he only needs a few more solid performances to have a fair claim.