Rivals S2 Top 50: #30 – 21

This week we’re counting down the Top 50 players during season 2 of the NA RCS circuit. For more information about the methodology and how rankings were decided, check out the S2 Top 50 Introduction post. To enter free Rivals of Aether events online and play in season 3 of the circuit yourself, head over to smash.gg and register.

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#30 – geck-0

Geck-0 is a character specialist and household name for seasoned players when it comes to Kragg. His unique ability to keep up a relentless barrage of specials and combine them in ways you never knew existed makes him a dangerous adversary. With a few more wins against the upper echelon he could easily solidify himself in the top 20. As he’s always refreshing to watch or encounter thanks to his uncommon approach, we’ll be on the lookout for him in upcoming events.


#29 – SisterEden

The final write-in on the list, SisterEden was recognized by our panelists for her outstanding Ori play. Her potential is high and though she’s not very battle-tested in official events, she has plenty of wins and experience in the community to be prominent. Her tricky Ori play continues to advance the character even though it’s one of the rarer Rivals, and we hope to see her more in the future.


#28 – TheBestAdamCarra

Not only is Tuxedo’s TheBestAdamCarra a top notch Maypul player, he’s also an amazing artist beloved for his Rivals YouTube videos and skits. Though he doesn’t play in many online events, Adam makes it a point to travel for west coast live events where he lays down the law.

Notable finishes this year for him include 13th at Heat Wave and a 17th at G5 where he eventually fell to Ralph. With Adam’s lack of bad losses and stellar results the only thing holding him back from being higher is activity.


#27 – Mugi

Mugi is another up-and-comer with some great upsets this season. He really hit his stride in the tail end of the season after the release of Ranno and Clairen, where he took Rivals’ first sword character to new heights. One of his most prominent wins this season included defeating MrLz in the December RCS Monthly.

Our panelists believe Mugi had the ability to press even further but the season ended before he could continue. If his results at Frostbite are any indication of what to expect though, people will definitely have to keep an eye on him in season 3.


#26 – Risky

Risky is an old school player who has a way with games. In addition to his skill in Rivals, he’s also been invited to AGDQ multiple times to show off speedruns in his favorite titles. His passion in Rivals falls to unique characters where he finds joy in making rarely used characters shine. His Forsburn and Etalus play are dangerous to underestimate as shown by his 7th place finish at Shine, where he upset AZCards after coming off of a hiatus.


#25 – Gaming

Gaming is a Zetterburn main that truly embraces the rushdown side of the character, and his fast and fiery playstyle can leave opponents looking like they weren’t even holding a controller. His record throughout the RCS season last year was excellent, with him placing higher than top 32 at 2/3rds of the total events offered.

This type of consistency in events that range from 150-400 players is nothing to scoff at. With his recent qualification for the Mentality League, this may be the time we see him take a stab at the top again, especially with all of the practice he’s getting against LBO.


#24 – Dynla

Dynla is a Maypul player who is much better than he thinks he is, which is refreshing in any competitive landscape. Panelists rank Dynla as the best solo Maypul main outside of the top 10. His strongest placing was a solid 9th place finish in the last online RCS event of the year, though during the offseason he showed up big to Frostbite. He’ll definitely be a player to watch and learn from in season 3.


#23 – ZeeBee

ZeeBee is another player on the rise who has been doing very well for himself both online and in his local scene in New York. Like many other players around this ranking, he has the ability to rise and be a real threat next season. Wins over WooF and Jorane earned him a 13th place at Genesis 5, where he probably babydash jabbed someone. He’s just a couple breakout tournaments away from climbing to the top and he knows it.


#22 – SBS

SBS has grown leaps and bounds this year with the help of the amazing scene that he’s grown from scratch in Arizona. Most recently, his 5th place finish at GT-X and 17th at G5 have made people sit up and take notice. Relatively unknown players are starting to come out of AZ and put up strong finishes like it’s a hyperbolic chamber, so their region is certainly one to look out for. Now that he’s become a part of TwistedSin we expect to see much more of him at even greater heights in season 3!


#21 – Dunk

Dunk is another OG Kragg player who’s been around the block. Season 2 was excellent overall for him compared to last year, with surefire growth seen by him locking in multiple 9th places at large live events. If he’s able to raise his power level even a little in season 3, that’s all he’ll need for top players to have another Kragg to look out for.