Rookies of Aether – New Player Promo at CEO Dreamland

With CEO Dreamland coming up soon, we’re kicking off a special promo for just $5 that makes Rivals registration a sweet deal for new players at the event .

Registering for Rivals of Aether any time from today until the end of registration gets you:

  • A copy of Rivals of Aether for PC
  • 50% discount on Rivals event registration (the dev team will cover the other half!)
  • Entry into a raffle for a custom Rivals of Aether GCC from Controller Chaos

With the full launch for Rivals of Aether just two weeks away this is the perfect time to get into the scene. We’ll even send your copy of the game shortly after you register so you have a chance to practice and get a chunk of that CEO Dreamland prize pool.



Our pot bonus is also still growing and is just $10 shy of $1,000 at the time of this post.  We’re helping to grow that prize pool with our CEO themed stage skin for Rock Wall, the first alternate stage art for Rivals. You can pick it up for a limited time in the CEO Dreamland compendium.



We’re super excited to be a part of the first Smash specific CEO event and can’t wait to head down to Florida and play. Hope to see you there!