Update Details – Ranked Mode Added!

Hey Everyone!

It has been a while since our last post but we have some awesome news for you! Rivals of Aether on Steam is getting a huge update from 0.13 to 0.14! And with this update comes some amazing features! To get a glimpse of everything we have added, check out this video from the Beefy Aether Doods:

Firstly, we have added a Tutorial Mode to Rivals of Aether to help beginners learn all the mechanics. You start off with the basics and move up to advanced concepts like Directional Influence and Wavedashing:


Secondly, we’ve polished up the HUD animations for players to get a bit more oomph out of their attacks:


Thirdly, we have added Ranked Mode to Rivals of Aether! When playing online matches, you can increase your Ranked Score in an Elo style system. You can compete against Rivals players around the world and try to climb the Ranked Leaderboards:


Next, we have added Stat Tracking! You can now track your progress across all your characters and even across different tags that you can add in-game. Create new tags to see how you are improving:


Finally we also have a ton of character balance and engine improvements that you can read here at our 0.14.0 Patch Notes Thread.

Thanks for tuning into this update. We’ll have some more news soon particularly about the Xbox One Game Preview version of Rivals of Aether. Sorry for all the delays on that front. Our 0.13 submission had some issues with multiplayer so we will be updating the Xbox Build to 0.14 then resubmitting. Hopefully we can get all the bugs fixed and both PC and Xbox One players will be playing the latest update in the near future!