Definitive Edition Release Date

The wait is finally over! The Definitive Edition of Rivals of Aether is coming to the Nintendo Switch and Steam on September 24th, 2020.

For those of you who have been following our progress, this has been a long time coming. If you’re interested in a behind-the-scenes look at development, you can read this medium post from project lead Dan Fornace on why it took so long to get here.

The Definitive Edition of Rivals of Aether is loaded with content. New features, modes, and extras are all bundled up with our full cast of characters from the entire span of Rivals’ development. Instead of buying our original and guest character expansions separately, the game is now one complete package with everything included for $29.99.

Players who already own Rivals of Aether on Steam
will be automatically upgraded to the Definitive Edition for free.

What’s Included

Twelve original characters plus indie guests Shovel Knight and Ori and Sein battle it out in this pixel perfect platform fighter. Harness the power of the elements and unravel the mysterious conflicts of the planet Aether in Story Mode, band with friends to take on shadowy creatures in Abyss Mode, and bring your combat skills online to challenge players across the world.

Brand New Modes

The Definitive Edition of Rivals of Aether includes updates to fan favorite modes like Abyss, along with a new game mode – Tetherball. It’s a sports battle mode that allows players to use their character skills to compete in a best-of-three beach tetherball game!

Improved Online

The Definitive Edition also features a massive upgrade to the online functionality in Rivals of Aether. The player count is going up from 2 to 4 players max which introduces 2v2 and Free-for-All to Online Play in Rivals of Aether. We are also introducing online support for Abyss Versus, Abyss Endless and Tetherball.

Unlockable Milestones

The Definitive Edition has a great new system called the Milestone System for unlocking cosmetics. We could explain how it works but no one can explain it better than Adam Carra.

Infamous Skins

Everyone who currently owns the game on Steam will be upgraded to the Definitive Edition for free when it comes out on September 24th. Everyone who has purchased a DLC character will also unlock an exclusive Infamous Skin for that character. If you are looking to grab the game on Steam and like the looks, you have until September 24th to grab your Infamous Skins. After that date, your chance will be gone. Infamous skins are not currently available for the Switch version of the game.

Steam Workshop

Finally for those playing on Steam, Steam Workshop is graduating from beta branches to a part of the base game of Rivals of Aether. We are also introducing Workshop Skins in both the Basic and Advanced varieties. Basic Skins are just visual changes to characters while Advanced Skins feature gameplay changes along with visual changes. Steam Workshop support is not available for the Switch version of the game.

Download New Definitive Edition Media

We hope you check out Rivals of Aether on September 24th on Switch and Steam. Thank you to our fans so far for being a part of our community, and we welcome the next generation of Rivals players joining for the first time on Switch. We will be looking into bringing the Definitive Edition to Xbox One later in 2021.

32 responses to “Definitive Edition Release Date”

  1. Rogovskii Vladimir says:


  2. TheDefault says:

    I wonder if they plan on bringing workshop some way onto Switch. Here’s hoping…

  3. Shaun Ynosencio says:

    Will there be a physical copy of this game??

  4. Not my real name says:

    Legalize Switch workshop content

  5. Sprocket says:

    Been playing Rivals since early access. Bought all the DLC that I can.

    Will still buy the Switch version day 1.

    Who knows, I might actually get good at this game after all these years.

  6. Cj says:

    Why later for xbox?

  7. Grad says:

    Can I play multiplayer without Switch Online?

  8. Andrew Hyder says:

    Will Xbox be updated similar to steam?

  9. JT says:

    Physical please 👍

  10. sillyloogi2 says:

    Cross platform?

  11. my name says:

    I’m gonna play the heck out of this game my hands will burn.

  12. JIMBO says:

    It’d be cool if they included the panda guy and the sandbag guy on console as actual characters since they were just meant to promote workshop character.

  13. Person on the internet says:

    Let’s hope one day we can have downloadable workshop characters like Ronald and fox on here

  14. Person on the internet says:

    viva la workshop

  15. SegaGega32X says:

    Will there be a physical switch version coming out next year?

  16. Snex_kon_60fps says:

    Yeah that’s so messed up because your bring the definitive edition to a new console that’s doesn’t have the game until now but us Xbox players has been playing this game from the beginning and we have to wait That’s so messed up

  17. Manuel Palacio says:

    They would make a steam account to switch link.That would work.

  18. Cork says:

    <.< cool

  19. Tim says:

    So this so called “definitive edition” on the Switch turns out to only contain 3 quarters of all the content it should have. Why the heck did the devs go through the effort of making those infamous skins if they think Switch players ain’t good enough to get them as well? So much for the devs actually having respect for their Switch playing fans I guess.

  20. DeVante Smith says:

    What is going to happen with the xbox one edition?

  21. Trip says:

    Will there be any confirmation as to whats going on with the Xbox definitive version or where you stand with it so we’re not lost out here? You create a definitive version for a completely different console and just turn your back to the people who have supported this game from almost the beginning? Yes steams happy understandable, maybe switch didnt get everything, losing me a little there but what it honestly seems like you dont care about your own community especially xbox. Maybe you need more time to get it right, maybe there were unforseen problems, maybe you just want it to be better idk but cause we aren’t being comforted with some relative answer just the feeling of a slap to face. Just saying maybe pay attention to the feelings of your xbox community cause I doubt im alone in this. Thanks

  22. C.J. says:

    Sooo it’s 2021 now… no Xbox love still? Did Nintendo pay you enough to just say f*** Microsoft? Wish we knew something at least. A lot of people would. There’s a bigger Xbox community than you might be thinking Dan..

  23. BracingLake6057 says:

    So It’s almost at the end of 2021, and there’s still nothing on the xbox. I really love this game so please Dan, get a move on and give the xbox
    players the update aswell.

  24. shelcoof says:

    Been waiting for the XBox One Update forever
    I actually bought the Xbox One for this game 🙁

  25. CHEMAJAN1187 says:

    dont worry guys im pretty sure they will release the xbox definitive edition for christmas. I hope…

  26. Patus says:

    I hope the Definitive Edition for Xbox comes this year, I’m looking forward to it, and I hope it’s not canceled or anything like that

  27. CHEMAJAN1187 says:

    It is officially 2022 and there is no sign in sight of an update for xbox. My dissapointment is inmeasureable and my year is ruined.

  28. Luca says:

    I’m really not trying to nag on you Dan because you made a fantastic game, but a lot of us are really waiting and hoping for an Xbox update. This game is one of if not my favorite platform fighter, don’t let this opportunity go to waste.

    • George says:

      We would definitely like to have an Xbox update as well, just unfortunately things haven’t lined up for us yet. We are hoping to be able to make progress this year.

  29. Dissapointed Player says:

    So Dan let me get this straight. U released this game for Xbox the first time and people embraced and cherished it. They believed in you and supported your product but still u middle finger at them just because you needed to milk the coins of switch version. It’s ALMOST half of 2022 and there’s not sign of definitive edition on the first console that house your indie game…You are really ungrateful.

  30. Dissapointed Player says:

    Annndd there is still nothing about xbox… still waiting.

  31. Spongebob says:

    2023 still no xbox version😕

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