
Warning: A crossfading music track must be exactly the same length as its counterpart music track. This function will fail if there is even the tiniest of a length mismatch.

When called in a stage article, gradually crossfades the music to its laststock counterpart if a valid _laststock music file is detected in the /sounds folder. (A valid laststock counterpart to music_loop.ogg would be named music_loop_laststock.ogg, for example.) Both arguments are optional. This function can be used in conjunction with is_laststock() to replicate the music change on the Aethereal Gates stage.

Determines whether to crossfade toward the laststock music track or the original music track. A value of 1 will crossfade toward the laststock track, and a value of 0 will crossfade into the original track.
Determines how much the volume decrements or increments per frame, with a range of 0 to 1.

Example 1, called from a stage’s update.gml:

// if everyone has 1 stock remaining, crossfade into laststock music at a rate of 0.01 per frame:
if (is_laststock()) {

Example 2, called from a stage’s update.gml:

// if everyone has 1 stock remaining, crossfade into laststock music at a rate of 0.025 per frame:
if (is_laststock()) {
music_crossfade( 1, 0.025 );