Season 8 Rankings: #50-41

Welcome to the North American RCS Season 8 Top 50! Each year we look back on the previous competitive season and the players who influenced our scene by creating a Top 50 Players list. The rankings are created by a community panel that considers data from across the season to construct a comprehensive list that highlights our top players and their accomplishments.

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50. JustaRandomdud3

“Characters with broken Down B’s my beloved”

The Season 8 Top 50 is finally here, and JustaRandomdud3 makes his first appearance on our Power Rankings! Attending all four online events from his home in Mexico, JustaRandomdud3 secured wins over three different Top 50 competitors, while only dropping a single set to a non-ranked player. His consistency shined this season as a recent Rivals Amateur Series graduate, grinding and improving rapidly to win the hard fought and well earned fight for spot number 50.


49. Seelder

“Fair bash is true”

Making his first appearance on the Rivals Top 50 Rankings, Seelder is an up and coming Ori main from California with a love for the character and his local scene. Seelder’s improvement over the course of Season 8 can be clearly seen through placements, starting off with a 65th in RCS July and gradually earning better and better results until an impressive 25th at Genesis X.
Seelder claims a lot of his improvement and motivation comes from his favorite player, Ahntye, who hosts SoCal locals and is a treasure trove of Ori knowledge. Recognizing his trajectory should have competitors take notice for the future, and Seelder’s motivation is at an all-time high to carry over to Rivals 2 learn a new game from the beginning.


48. ThrownOrc

“That’s how I play Ma BIIIRD!!!”

A crowd favorite makes his hotly anticipated first ever Top 50! ThrownOrc has been on the cusp of a breakthrough for some time now leading into Season 8, where he kicked the grind into overdrive and attended every single RCS LAN and four different GRL events. ThrownOrc showed consistency at the big three; placing 33rd at Heat Wave 6, Riptide, and Genesis X with wins over the likes of Spyker, Farbanti, and ColbyJackC. Coming in at the 48 slot, his goal for the season seems to have been achieved; however, this will not stop Johnny from continuing the climb in both Rivals 1 and Rivals 2.
“I want to shoutout my Mom and Dad (MamaTORC and PapaTORC) and my Boss Shanager at HFCC for their constant support they’ve given me in my journey of Gaming. And shoutout to The TORC Nation for all the encouragement throughout the years.”


47. Subserial

“Misanthropists are cowards; love so hard it’s like sweet madness.”

Everyone’s favorite D6 main is back fro another Top 50 appearance! While he didn’t have any goals beyond spending time with friends met along his journey, Subserial attended four LAN events, making the Top cut at Riptide and Genesis X with wins over Omar and Ateozc while wielding his legendary D6 to select his character for every game. Looking forward, Subserial is naturally excited to play Fleet in Rivals 2 as she shares his affinity for dice and friendship.


46. CyberHex

The head T.O. of Rivals Recess is back on the Top 50 list after achieving some of her best results ever on the biggest stages in Rivals. CyberHex has been the head T.O. for amateur brackets in Rivals for the past 2 years, but also branches out into open brackets from time to time. Her event, Rivals Recess Major 3, was a key GRL online major for the community both in accessibility to events and quality. You may have also heard of her followup event recently, as Rivals Recess Major 4 continued to introduce high level Rivals brackets to the greater community after the RCS has concluded while simultaneously providing the largest Rivals 2 Beta weekend bracket that acted as a beacon in a sea of fantastic events over our first public playtest.
CyberHex has contributed to the Rivals community in a reliable and growth-focused way that continues to impress whenever she heads a project. Be sure to appreciate her hard work as her love of the community continues to shine.


45. Lucio

“If you rank me below 45 you’re racist.”

Lucio is our second player hailing from Mexico to break into the Top 50 in Season 8, making his first appearance through impressive online performances and a strong showing at our Genesis X finale. His swap from Ori to Zetterburn seems to have paid dividends as his only losses were to current and one former Top 50 level competitor, showing a constant push to improve and punch above his previous skill levels. Lucio was excited to meet online friends at Genesis X and Hurricane and looks forward to keeping Mexico on the map as he believes it is underrepresented and full of high level competition going into Rivals 2.


44. HealsGood

“Forsburn player (derogatory)”

Yet another new face to the Rivals Top 50, HealsGood is a new age Sylvanos main that pick up the game in April 2022 and has evolved into a threat to the new and old guard alike. His foray into fighting games was relatively recent, showing that he’s a bit of a natural, quickly getting ranked in Rivals 1, and placing 9th at the first ever public Rivals 2 bracket at Genesis X. HealsGood looks forward to starting from scratch and eventually pushing Sylvanos’ meta in Rivals 2 (whenever that may arrive).


43. Brunch

Coming in at 43 is another Sylvanos who has been no stranger to the Top 50 rankings. Brunch took a pretty laid back approach to competition this year, entering all four online brackets while focusing on fun and improving in other fighting games. He proved that previous skill tends to stick with an individual regardless of new hours, with strong wins over current and former Top 50 competitors and a stunning victory at Rivals Recess Major 3 over Top 10 mainstay, ZeeBee. Brunch is looking forward to improving at Rivals 2 and hopes that Sylvanos join the fray before too long.


42. Veil

“No dude”

Veil may have changed her tag between seasons, but she is just as deadly as ever as she swings in at number 42 in Season 8. This season presented new opportunities for Veil as she took on greater responsibilities as a T.O. and production assistant for Midwestern events such as Two Day War and Riptide 2023. She used this season and her newfound job to reconnect with the community and travel more than ever while still proving herself as a threat to top level talent, taking MSB and Wai to Game 5 scenarios at different events. If you want to keep up with Veil, be sure to follow her on X as she spends time as a streamer, content creator, and cosplayer outside of her bracket runs!


41. Ateozc

“Uhhhh……” – Patrick Star

Rounding out our first ten competitors today is the legendary Chicago T.O., Ateozc. Ateozc played both Absa and Olympia in Season 8 at a high level, making him a truly dangerous double threat, especially on his home turf where he was able to secure a win on Sparx21 on his way to 3rd at COST 2023. Ateozc looks forward to being more of a competitor than a T.O. in the future; however, you can still find him next week running yet another community bracket for Rivals of Aether at Combo Breaker.





One response to “Season 8 Rankings: #50-41”

  1. ThrownorcFan says:

    Lets go thrownorc!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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