
Custom buddies are structured the same way as custom characters, with config.ini and the following folders: /sprites, /scripts, /sounds. You can read more about this structure on the introduction page, use a blank buddy template, or reference our example buddy Sandbert Jr.

Sandbert Jr. Workshop Download Page

The core buddy folder should also include:

  • icon.png [15x15px] – used for the in-game buddies sub-menu
  • preview.png [any size, but 16:9 aspect ratio, 960×540 recommended] – used in the preview window on the Steam Workshop website

A buddy can only execute load.gml and update.gml custom scripts.

Buddies’ animation names also differ from the ones used by characters.

By default a buddy is not affected by its owner’s custom colors. However, you can define a list of characters you want to affect your buddy’s colors by calling add_compatiable_urls(). The function accepts both urls of published workshop characters and default character indexes. If you want the buddy to be affected by any character’s custom colors, pass all to the function.

Example, called from load.gml:

// this buddy can only borrow Zetterburn's and Sandbert's custom colors:
add_compatiable_urls( CH_ZETTERBURN, 1865940669 );
// this buddy will borrow any character's custom colors (including both workshop and default ones):
add_compatiable_urls( all );


These are all the variables you can access for pet_obj:

Variable Default Description
type 0 The type of buddy
0 = grounded
1 = flying
can_switch_type false Whether the buddy will automatically switch type after going through the wait animation (in the air, the buddy will fly toward their landing point, then go into the wait animation)
idle_spr sprite_get( “idle” ) The sprite to loop when idle
run_spr sprite_get( “run” ) The sprite to loop when running
turn_spr sprite_get( “turn” ) The sprite to play when turning around (should turn from facing left to right)
ledge_spr sprite_get( “ledge” ) The sprite to play when idling at ledge
wait_spr sprite_get( “wait” ) The sprite to play when idling normally
taunt_spr sprite_get( “taunt” ) The sprite to play when taunting
pet_w 30 The approximate width of the buddy, in pixels
run_speed 3 The speed of the run state, in pixels per frame
max_run_dist 200 The distance you can get away from the buddy before it starts to run toward you. Should be a fair bit more than double pet_w to avoid stuttering
state The current state of the buddy:
teetering If the buddy is in their ledge animation. Only relevant if state == “idle”
waiting If the buddy is in their wait animation. Only relevant if state == “idle”
state_timer The number of frames since starting the current state. This value is also reset when starting the ledge or wait animations

Extra Variables

In case can_switch_type is set to true, you will also need to initialize the following variables in load.gml:

Variable Description
grnd_idle_spr The sprite to loop when idle on ground
grnd_run_spr The sprite to loop when running on ground
grnd_turn_spr The sprite to play when turning on ground. Should turn from facing left to right
grnd_wait_spr The sprite to play when idling on ground. Should transition from grnd_idle_spr to air_idle_spr)
grnd_taunt_spr The sprite to play when taunting on ground
air_idle_spr The sprite to loop when idle in the air
air_run_spr The sprite to loop when moving in the air
air_turn_spr The sprite to play when turning in the air. Should turn from facing left to right
air_wait_spr The sprite to play when idling in the air. Should transition from air_idle_spr to grnd_idle_spr)
air_taunt_spr The sprite to play when taunting in the air