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Guest Character Reveal but on April 1st

Hey Guys,

I know you have all been anxiously awaiting news about new characters joining the Rivals of Aether roster. As we have teased in the past, the first character post launch will be an indie guest.

We are extremely excited to share that we will be reaching back to one of the greatest indie games of all time – Cory in the House for the Nintendo 3DS. This critically acclaimed game was inspired by the hit anime Cory in the House.

Cory has so many different talents in the series and in Rivals that is no different. He will be bringing his quick wit and humor along with his unique ability to bring down the house like no one else can.


We know that there was a ton of speculation about who the first guest character would be. We are excited that Cory was definitely a favorite among Rivals fans destroying characters like Shovel Knight and Hyper Light Drifter in the anonymous polls that we ran.


I know you all can’t wait to get your hands on this fantastic character. But you’ll have to wait just a little bit longer. Perhaps when hell freezes over.

**Disclaimer: This blog post is satire. Rivals of Aether is in no way affiliated with Cory, Disney or the Disney channel.**

Launch Week Community Roundup

Hey everyone,

Etalus here with the first community roundup post launch! Community roundups highlight our favorite fan-made Rivals stuff, from the lowliest memes to art of the highest order. With our steam release there has been a flood of Rivals art and awesome community creations, making it quite hard to pick just a few.  Read on for our favorites in categories that range from music to best launch bugs.


Some regal Zetterburn art from LineShark

LayMayMayKing Rivals Babies

Adorable new born Rivals by reddit user LayMayMayKing

Adam Carra’s amazing tale of two friends just playing some video games.


Toko’s remix of the lonely tower


NyxTheShield’s remix of the main Rivals theme

Story Mode


ERR40 breaking top 100 on fursthest wave

Congrats to ERR40 for being the first to break 100 on furthest abyss wave

fmpf Orcane

True statement by reddit user fmpf

Here’s RiskyCB crushing the boss in 39 seconds back before anyone had a time under one minute.

Jorane CSS

Jorane’s version of the character select screen after playing Story Mode

Zam showing off his route for Zetterburn’s story stage 4


Best Bugs

LuNoX finds that that Absa’s stage has water resistant platforms.

Atma carefully lays a puddle after respawning, which apparently has other plans and decides to leave him when he needs it most.

Let us know in the comments any of your favorites that we missed, and make sure to give the creators some props!

Rivals of Aether Full Release on Steam

Happy PC launch day everyone! As of 9AM this morning, Rivals of Aether has officially left Early Access on Steam.  We’re incredibly excited as the full release brings a ton of new content, polish, and ways to play alone or with a friend. For those of you not familiar with our game, YouTube sensation Adam Carra will introduce you in the following instructional video. For the rest of you, let’s go over what’s been added to the game as well as what to expect for the future of Rivals.

Version 1.0.0: New Modes and Content

In addition to bringing the long awaited single player modes, the full launch today also packs in plenty of extra collectibles and polish. Content changes this update include:

  • Story Mode
  • Abyss Mode
  • Leaderboards
  • Currency / Unlockables (New skins, custom color slots, and more)
  • Collectible Steam Trading Cards / Badges / Backgrounds
  • New Music (stage music, victory themes, menu music)
  • Achievements

Preview of the Rivals backgrounds you can unlock for your Steam profile

Steam Backgrounds_v2


Balance Changes

Now that we’ve left Early Acess, you can also expect balance changes to taper down. Early Access was the perfect time to experiment and get feedback, but now you most likely won’t see changes unless things are being shaken up heavily (e.g. something like a roster addition).  Here’s the balance changes for patch 1.0.0:

  • 1.0.0 Maypul Root not destroyed by hitboxes. Damage 6 > 5.
  • 1.0.0 Kragg Nair Hit 2 knocks up isntead of out.
  • 1.0.0 Kragg Fair angle changed from 35 – 40.
  • 1.0.0 Maypul lower Usmash hitbox reinspect. (only 8 pixels wider)


CEO Dreamland Seasonal Colors

The seasonal colors are back and this time the Rivals are sporting CEO Dreamland styles. Join us in Orlanda, Florida or watch online and support the stream as Rivals makes its first appearance at CEO.  If you’re also interested in playing Rivals at the event, now’s a great time to register as the devs are covering 50% of the entry fee for new players plus a copy of the game.

What’s next for Rivals? Xbox One Launch, Abyss Versus Online, and more

That’s right, just because we’re released doesn’t mean we’re done. First, now that the PC version is out we can focus on Xbox. We’ve got some extra requirements for console as well as things like skin codes to figure out so we’re expecting the Xbox launch to happen sometime in May. We also have our eyes set on making some additions to the game that have been heavily requested by fans. We would put these together as a patch 1.1 for both Xbox and PC. Here are the top ones on our list that we’d like to get out in the next patch:

  • Enable Abyss Versus Online
  • Replay Improvements (Pause, fast forward)
  • Keyboard Control Improvements (C-stick functionality)

We hope you enjoy the full launch. Let us know your favorite parts of story mode or abyss and what you’d like to see most in future patches of Rivals in the comments below.

Thank You to all of our Early Access Players!

It’s no secret that Rivals wouldn’t be where it is today without our players and awesome community. We’re still amazed and humbled every time we see art, videos, tournaments, articles and streams about our indie platform fighter.

As a thank you to everyone who’s purchased the game and our players who have helped us grow, we’re adding a special piece of DLC for everyone who bought the game in Early Access. Introducing the Early Access color set that applies to both your Steam name and your favorite Rivals:

Profile with EA Color Set

This DLC unlocks the old school Gameboy color set for every Rival, and also gives you a colored name you can use online to show off your EA status. The Gameboy colors are a throwback to one of Dan’s earlier smash games, so we thought it fitting that the early adopters would get the OG palette from before Rivals was cool.

Players don’t have to do anything to get these, they’ll automatically be attached to your account when the game comes out on Tuesday. Everyone who gets the game in Early Access will receive this so you technically still have some time to hop on the bandwagon if you want a chance to use these in game.

EA Color Set

These colors have special properties that can’t be recreated in the custom color menu.

Thanks again to all of our players, we hope you’re as excited about the full launch as we are!

Rivals of Aether Custom Controllers Now Available from Controller Chaos

We’re proud to share today that Controller Chaos is introducing an exclusive line of Rivals of Aether controllers. Fans have been requesting these for quite some time, and now thanks to Controller Chaos that dream is a reality.

You can see what some of these hand-painted masterpieces look like below and get one for yourself on controllerchaos.com. If you pick one up make sure to add a comment here or tweet us a picture of how it came out with any customizations you made.

View on Controller Chaos

From Controller Chaos’ site:

Crafted by hand and 100% unique, each design is in a limited run so get them while you can! Our exclusive “Build Your Own” feature for the Xbox and Playstation consoles allows you to easily customize color options throughout your controller such as thumbsticks, buttons, and LEDs. You can even go one step further by adding a “Chaos Tag” like your name or a special graphic!